So I've had a little run in with social media and the devil. So social media whether it be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, what have you, is a pretty huge internet place that is basically protected under the first amendment. Which is kind of awesome. Until you come across cyber bullying, that's not so cool. So in the middle of our entire Leigha situation social media has played a big part. It gets our story out, it fights for the truth, it helps. But there's this terrible dark space like a rabbit hole that just opens up to horrible things. It was recently posted on Facebook that I'm a child abuser (cray. I know) and people got pretty violent with it. They posted about beating me with bats and burying me with shovels. I mean it gets pretty graphic. You really have to wonder when enough is enough. In all seriousness. This has given me some pretty thick skin but when people go unprovoked onto social media to write these terrible things, what do you do? Who do you turn to? God? The police? I'm gonna bet that God can probably help me. I'm fuming, I can't lie. It really gets under my skin when people who can even pay their mortgage, who take their child to the ER to get drugs, people who commit tax fraud, are all over the Internet spewing hate. It hurts. And it sucks. BUT BEHOLD! The lord has your back! I know, very classy. But seriously. He does. He presents situations to me and I can either retaliate and perpetuate the situation OR I can use it to my advantage. I mean, threatening with baseball bats isn't exactly legal. So as I look to God for some advice and realize that this can either make me or break me I know I need to let this make me. Do the right thing. Put it in gods hand and leave it alone. Walk away. Go pain something. Pet a cat. Buy a fish. Whatever. But take it, give it to God, and let it go. Because hate perpetuates hate. And that's not the plan for anyone. So to end this wonderful day of mine I've attached photos of my beautiful step daughters to show our loving relationship and realize God has this. I may not know his plan but it's not my job to know his plan. It's my job to follow his plan. Get my life together and do what he tells me to do. Because THATS my job. Because my father is KING and he has this. Y'all go have a blessed evening and love your babies!!!

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