So last night I had some razor burn from my new razor in various places. Mhm. And automatically I went for my tea tree essential oil. By this morning it's all cleared up and back to normal. Here's the realty though, I was always skeptical of essential oil use. I was always pro vaccination and medicine. If something was wrong you went to the doctor and they fixed you. Well boy was I wrong. Let me give you Ashley as an example. She lives in a house where multiple people smoke constantly inside. Her hair, skin and clothes all reek of cigarettes. She always comes with a cough like she can't get something up. It's absolutely terrible, she's had cigarette burns on her head and we've watched her sit on someone's lap who's smoking a cigarette. So in the midst of this chaos I decide to try essential oils. So I buy her a diffuser for her room and drop some oregano, eucalyptus and tea tree oil in it and voila! Next day she's back to normal. No wheezing, no coughing. All better. Because of the constant cigarette smoke she's exposed to she pops up with random colds, I also include peppermint during that time to open her nasal passages to help her breathe. She calls her diffuser her "smelly" and turns it on herself! Now I've also used oregano oil for minor things like blisters and cuts. It heals incredibly fast and much better than neosporin. I've also used lavender oil for minor skin tears and sun burn! I actually diffuse lemon and lavender at work to help with the allergies there which is great. So all in all I would say if you research essential oils and their uses they can be extremely helpful in most situations. If it's extreme and your leg is falling off you should probably go to the hospital. My sister in law sells young living essential oils so if anyone is interested in trying anything let me know and I'll hook you up with her! Have a great day guys!
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