So I've taken a small hiatus from the blog and social media this weekend. Super busy, super long weekend. Saturday I ran into some posts on Facebook calling me a child abuser (obviously the people posting this are of no importance and a family of drug addicts). Ashley no longer identifies Mike as "daddy". She calls him daddy Mike because mom has a boyfriend she calls daddy. Mom sees no problem with this identification and clearly shows no respect for Mike has the father. As a matter of fact she's more concerned with me commenting on her extremely revealing and inappropriate low cut tank tops than her child. Also Ashley had a nice little cold this weekend I thankfully god rid of for the most part by Sunday. I'm sure her smoke filled environment during the week will launch that back into full blown within a day. There's apparently a size confusion of some sort because Ashley's in a 2T and keeps getting sent in 18 month old clothes that clearly don't fit regardless of he numerous amounts of clothes we've sent home with her. This weekend was terrible. Terrible weekend. Being a step mom right NOW is terrible. On a great note me and Brianna's mom continue to flourish our relationship! I love that at least one of my step children has a mom and step dad we can talk to and communicate with and not have a problem. THATS what's best for the children. Grown ups that can get along and not make the child feel like they have to choose. Not to mention Brianna's very well taken care of we never ever have to worry about her. I'm just really sick of having to be labeled his evil step mom when all we ever want is to have the kids have the most normal life they can have with the blended families. Is that too much to ask for? To realize he's married and he's happy and he wants to be a good daddy? Why destroy your child just to destroy another adult? Because at the end of the day Mike isn't the one contracting COPD. Put your children above your own selfish wants, your relationships, your addictions and raise your child. Just don't act surprised when court papers arrive and you don't understand why. Y'all have a blessed Monday and let's hope this week gets better!!
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