Today was a tough day. This weekend was actually kind of tough. Potty training makes me want to throw myself through a wall. But something else is pretty heavy on my heart recently. There's SO MUCH tension all the time. As I'm sure you're all aware by now my middle step daughter Leigha is not living with us and the environment she is living in is not acceptable. What's really eating me is the fact that she's being told her step mother is a child abuser. Leigha has told countless people on countless occasions that she loves me and wants to see me. This is the little girl I potty trained, and took to the dentist, and the county fair, and VBS and now all of a sudden she's scared of me? As I wake up fully from my much needed nap I'm realizing IM KIND OF AWESOME. I RAISED her to be a kind, loving, God fearing child. Whatever mental abuse is happening to her now is just some unfortunate event we'll have to tell her isn't true. Again. And as I poop here (because honestly once I'm done I have to coax Ashley into pooping) I realize I'm NOT an abuser. I'm not this horrible evil step mom that made Leigha feel unworthy. I'm the step mom who became her MOM because nobody else was tough enough to fill the shoes. So to all you "evil step moms out there" keep doing you! Raise those tiny little human beings and keep PRAYING. Because God will help you. God will save you. God will protect you. Even when you're mad at him. Or losing faith. Lean on him. And if you need a friend, call me. I'll find faith for you because girls I have found faith is some seriously low places. Go raise your babies and make some CEOS out of them! Y'all have a blessed Sunday and enjoy your kids this very hot week!!
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