Let me start by you have each changed my life individually tremendously. I love you each more than you'll ever know. I entered your life pretty randomly, some of you wont know life before me, and one of you probably remembers the day you met me! My job as your step mother is to love you unconditionally forever. I'll teach you about God and faith. I've potty trained two of you, there were some hard days and some easy ones! I need you to always remember to LOVE each other. Every single day. No matter what. You are all each over has as siblings. Me and daddy have aunt Melissa and uncle Matt and I can say I wouldn't trade uncle Matt for anything and we've had some FIGHTS! You'll argue and you'll make each other cry. But you're sisters always. Don't forget that. Always remember to stay humble, whatever you've earned or been given be humble about it. School is not an option. You go. You work really really hard and you get a scholarship. I don't care if it's a scholarship for chess. You find a passion and you work towards a goal. Good grades need to happen even if it means me and daddy staying up all night to help you. College is also not an option. You go. You do good and you get a degree. Become a doctor. A lawyer. A vet. I don't care but you get a degree. When you start a job, you start a 401K. Also not an option. That's going to be what you retire on. Me and daddy will do anything for you, so when you're sixteen you'll get a job and start saving for a car. You'll buy a car and you won't put boys in it. Boys belong in church and so do you. " I love you" is not a pick up line. The first boy you fall in love with is going to break your heart. And it's going to suck. And I'm sorry. I'll buy you rocky road ice cream and take you shopping. But you WILL be fine. I promise (I've had my fair share of heart breaks before daddy). Find a best friend and KEEP HER. She's going to be your lifeline most of your teenage years. But no matter what you can come to me for anything. And it stays between us unless it's harmful to yourself or someone else. Don't ever forget how amazing you each are in your own ways and I love you for that so much. Always remember at the end of the day you have me and daddy. You have our love and our constant support. Don't lose your faith, it's amazing how easy that is to do. Go to church, it sounds like early mornings and not much fun but pastor Adrian is awesome and pretty funny. Just listen, he makes some pretty valid life points. Don't ever feel like you can't come to me with questions about anything. Boys, school, sex, protection. I'll answer all your questions and point you in the direction of the right path. The one with all the scary arrows and boys with great hair, avoid that one. You don't want to go there. Boys will hurt your feelings, but if they ever hurt your body you tell daddy. Bruises are not a sign of love I promise you that. Don't forget God, he'll be the one you go to when things get tough. You may not hear him, but he hears you. Always keep praying. Put sun screen on!! Melanoma is not a joke and it's not cute. If y'all ever have a little brother, don't pick on him! And don't pick on each other. Always remember me and daddy love you more than you'll ever know. And don't forget nana and pop, and mom mom and pop pop. They'd lay down their lives for you and probably have more than once. Visit them every chance that you get. Go be something incredible in this world. Stop the hate. Create peace. Adopt an animal. Be something. Do something. Travel. Go somewhere incredible. Don't let boys hold you back. I love you girls so insanely much it hurts. I love I love you I love you!!
Your crazy step mom

One of my favorite things in life is reading a love letter. They always make me tear up. Thank you for sharing your love.