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Friday, June 23, 2017

Your Grace Is Enough

Happy Friday!!! We made it :) It's been quiet the past few days, so busy! Not much going on in this crazy step mamas life so far. It's kind of nice! smallish update that the summer is crazy but were definitely taking the girls out EVERYWHERE this summer. We were supposed to go to the beach on Saturday but it looks like storms! So I'm going to stop by the Pemberton library after work and grab a museum pass for the Discovery Museum (Please Touch Museum) for us to go to Saturday while it's bummy weather. We've never been but I've heard such good stories! I'm pretty excited to go and really explore everything, Ashley's at an awesome age where everything is still so new to her. Every discovery is a learning experience and it's awesome to watch her grow and discover things. Were going to go down to LBI on Sunday for our beach day since it's supposed to be better that day. Were all prepped with our "bathing soups" as Ashley calls them! Our beach chairs and towels and sand toys! The following weekend is fourth of July weekend so we'll be heading out to my in laws for a barbecue and hopefully some fireworks! Any good fireworks in the area let us know! I'm sure they'll mostly be on the weekend but that's okay too! We love going to fireworks with the kids, they're so exhausted after but they LOVE them. Ashleys never been scared! It's kind of a blessing to be involved so fully in the lives of these kids. We've been transitioning churches for a while now because of our move last year. I've definitely felt an attack on my faith and my family but it's so much easier to ask for help from God and keep it moving you know? There's nothing I can do to change any of the circumstances at hand so why try? Worry and frustration do absolutely nothing but take away from the day at hand. All those sleepless nights, all those worries about situations we can't control, that's not my job to control anything. It's HIS job to control it, I can only control my reaction to things. And how I've previously reacted isn't who I am and that's something that desperately needs to change. This world is a really hard place to be, were human and we sin every single day. It's hard to watch these trials and tribulations and not feel angry with God you know? How can my heartbreak be a part of any kind of plan? But it is, and I've accepted that because that's what it is! I'm not going to change any plan that's already in motion, I just pray for the safety of my girls :) I've really felt a void in my heart since we haven't found a church yet. We need a new home where we can congregate with other christians and be somewhere to testify. It's okay for me to listen to the word everyday on my ipad at work but it's another to feel that love and dedication in a building with other christians. It's such a freeing thought to know we can walk away from situations that don't support our faith. Just leave it where it is and walk away. Is it worth the anger and hostility? It's not. And us as christians and really just as humans are so stuck on this reactions. Every action has a reaction, and though you can't control someone elses actions you CAN control YOUR reaction. Think about that today while you're at work or home with your kids, will this situation matter in five years? Probably not, but your reaction could cause a chain of events. That's why I try to reach out to the girls moms as much as possible and show them that I want us to be family and get along and not have hostility between us. That says so much when you do something nice for someone, people are appreciative when you reach out when you didn't have to. Even if it's paying it forward to someone at the grocery store (Becky, totally called you out!) which probably didn't consume much energy from you but to that person who's card was declined you just fed their family. Help those in need. How often are you at work or the grocery store or standing in line at walmart and have these meaningless conversations about the weather? Did you ever think what's happening in their life? What are they going through right now? Maybe they need a hug, or a prayer or really someone to just ask how they're doing. Think about that during your day when you're out and about, or at lunch with a co worker. Ask someone how they are. Find out about their life and what they're going through, ask if you can pray for them. I have a prayer book that I just continuously write prayers for everyone in. It keeps my mind fresh with who's going through something in their life. Let that sit on your mind today and go help the world! Everyone enjoy their weekend and I'll see you Monday!


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