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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Grace wins every time

Can we just talk about the weather real quick? I'm here in New Jersey and it's making me want to stay home from work in the air conditioning and my underwear. It's ridiculous, I hate humidity. This morning I get all ready for work and come in to go over to the hospital to do some work. I walk around there for a while working up a sweat and THEN realize my cute new shoes are tearing up my foot! So I had to walk back to my office basically limping from this wound and point ointment and a bandaid on it. Then I have to text my mom who works in surgery here to bring me different shoes because these are from hell and I can't wear them lmao. So last night I sent Becky a rough draft of my book for her to go over. That's the first time someone that was more of a third party has read it, she told me this morning it had her in tears. I guess because I'm writing it and I've lived through that emotion already it doesn't affect me as much. Someone reading it for the first time it affects differently. All the names are being changed for privacy reasons except for mine and Michaels but the vast amount of details and emotions in this book are pretty incredible. Everyone knows the situation but doesn't know the details of everything that happened. It was nice to have a third party read it and give me their input on it before publishing. Anyway so now in the midst of my falling apart and wound having I have four hundred things to do lol I haven't finished my coffee yet and I definitely need that, I have eight more pounds to lose and I'm getting really sick of healthy food. I've been eating for nutritional purposes for so long that me and Becky made a taco date when I reach my goal lmao! I really just need to shed this last couple pounds and go on a date with my sister wife because i'm totally over this and I just want to go back to normal lol I'm not sure what I'm going to do after I reach my goal, this has been almost a year that I've been working towards something. Now I can finally start to refocus on my book and get that finished so we can start the publishing process. Work is good as usual just waiting for the weekend so we can go to the beach Saturday! I need a good beach day! Just the sun and the waves and relaxing because I need to clear my mind for sure. We have the beach this weekend and in July were pretty packed with the kids hopefully going to Ocean City and the Cape May Zoo and we have our family pictures that were rescheduled on July 8th. July is going to be a busy month! This morning in the car I heard this song on the christian radio station I listen to #KLOVE and it's this whole song about how grace wins every time. It really got me to thinking about how God's grace really is an incredible thing. There's some crappy people out there and we all sin. Regardless of what your sin is it's all the same. We do it everyday whether we realize it or not. But now at 28 years old and thinking about what I've been through, Grace really is something we need to just think about. Is it worth the drama? nope. It's not. So guys, keep it moving. Don't respond to negativity whether it's coming from friends, work or even someone at church. Grace wins, so walk away from the negativity and drama. Do what you feel is right, for you'll be judged anyway. So keep doing great things with your kids, don't take into consideration opinions of anyone but God and your family. Love those kids, love your husband, love God and love YOURSELF. Because when you go to bed at night that's what counts. Think about God's grace today and how much he loves you, I'll bet you anything it makes you change your day a little bit ;) Happy Tuesday!


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