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Friday, April 28, 2017

When all you've got is faith

Hey! that's two in one day! Aren't you guys so excited! I got home from work today and really just feeling so exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, religiously. I really just feel like i'm battling with so much right now and the hits just keep on comin' you know? My faith tells me to keep having faith and that there's a plan for everything that happens. It's not my job to know the plan, it's my job to be still and know that He is God. He's blessed me with beautiful step daughters, an insanely handsome husband, a great job and security. I have a beautiful home and i really have a great life. Then something traumatic happens and I can only sit back and think "why is God letting this happen". I recently read another blog post about how we really turn things into God "letting" things happen. Think about that for a minute. God doesn't want bad things to happen to us, he doesn't want kids to be born addicted to heroin, he doesn't want kids starving on the streets or squatting in foreclosed homes. God doesn't want people living in poverty or being murdered in cold blood. That's not Gods will. What this post really makes you realize is that God is in control and how you react to that situation is what Gods will is. You can control every single thing that happens around you for the most part. But when you lose a loved one or something terrible happens, you really have to give it to God. Because letting it manifest and create anger is such a horrible thing to let eat you alive. Me and Michael will be together for three years in a couple of days. We've had our ups, we've had our downs. We've had people blatantly lie about situations regarding us. We'll be married in October for two years and let me tell you it's been a rough two years. But it's taught us to keep our faith and marriage is absolutely forever. I chose him, he chose me. If he wanted someone else he would have gone to someone else, but God gave him to ME. Isn't that an awesome feeling? We were married before God and our family in His house. When bad things happen or were really having a bad day it's so easy to ask why God is allowing this to happen. What if God is teaching us how to react to a situation the right way? What if he's teaching us how to pray and talk to him? There's never been a place I've stood he's not already been. He knows exactly what's going to happen and when. What we do to react or not react to that situation is what he's trying to teach us. Sin is human nature, when it entered the garden of eden it entered the human race. That's who we are, were sinners. Nothing is going to change that, but praying and having faith and believing he is our God is what is important. At the end of a hectic day and heck a hectic week I try to sit down and really just thank him for everything he's given me. I have a pretty awesome life and instead of blaming God for things that have gone wrong and asking him why he hasn't done something it finally hits me that he HAS done something. He made me! I'm the something that's going to make moves to destory this terrible system. I'm the one that's going to blow the top of and uncover decades of corrupt government. He made me, and he made me well. So the things that are about to go down in the next few weeks nobody's going to be prepared for, and it has my name written all over it. Because God made me to be a lion, not to sit around and hope someone else will take care of it. So i'm going to go enjoy dinner with my husband and have a nice movie night and relax. Then start my weekend with my awesome kids and enjoy my family. Because that's what God wants for me.

Have an awesome weekend guys!


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