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Friday, April 28, 2017

Dealing with a Sociopath

Morning all!

I read an interesting article the other day about how just because you're not friends with your ex doesn't mean you can't co parent well. Me and Michael co-parent really well with Brianna and Ashley's moms. We are almost always in constant communication, not even always about the kids! We keep in touch about our personal lives as well, any health issues, vacations, whatever. We've even hashtagged #sisterwives! hahaha. the point is just because you're not friends doesn't mean you can't co parent well. Parental alienation is a problem! You can't give someone a few hours a month and think that's going to make a relationship with a child. Doing that is spiteful and shows mental manipulation! The only thing that you're hurting is the child. I'm not saying you have to be best friends with that parent (were just lucky enough to have that) but you do need to make sure you're not bad mouthing someone that child LOVES. Were all guilty of it, things get hostile and things slip out of our mouths. Were humans, we make mistakes. But to blatantly tell a child something is literally only hurting that child. We see it all too often nowadays. The definition of a sociopath is "a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience." I'm sure all of us can think of someone immediately! I know I can. I've known people who have admitted to smacking their child in the face because they talk about the other parent during their visitation! Can you even believe that? I've known people who will literally go out of their way to harm a child just out of spite because they don't like the other parent. Or even better, they don't like who the other parent is dating! A girl flipped out one time when me and Michael got engaged. She sent this distraught text saying "Do you even know how It made me feel when I saw that ring?" Trust me, I have the screen shot! Sociopaths will walk up and down the street outside of someone's job just to try and be on someone's mind. Stalker? Maybe? Their personalities can switch in an instant and they feel no remorse for what they did. Better yet, they will turn around and LIE about what actually happened. If presented with PROOF of something legitimate they will continue to lie. For example if presented with legal documents stating a home is in foreclosure, they will lie and say the bank must be lying because they paid off that home. They literally think what they say is the truth! Co-Parenting with a sociopath can be almost impossible so it's a real shame for the non custodial parent. Keep this in mind if you're in this situation and really just try to do what's best for the child. Because that's what were all here for, to raise these children. And always remember whatever the child might be saying is always the influence of the sociopathic parent. Sometimes walking away and just ignoring is a much better idea than engaging that parent. Visit with the child and spend time with that child and do not engage that other parent. I just hope one day we can all be on that page and people can work towards what's best for the child! Anyway, Thank you for listening and everyone have a safe weekend!


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