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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Blogger Recognition Award

Hey! and happy Tuesday! Because I know you're all just so excited not to be at least halfway through the week! But on this glorious Tuesday I have received the "Blogger Recognition Award"! I was nominated by For the Sake of Good Taste! Make sure you click on her link and check out HER wonderful blog! I wanted to thank everyone for the nomination AND the award! 

My blog started a few years ago just as a step mom blog that detailed the INSANE nonsense that was happening in my life. I was going through a lot with my family and I felt documenting it for other parents and step parents to know about made people feel like they weren't so alone. It wasn't until recently I began really branding myself and making The Wonderful Life of a Step Mom a brand! 

As a new blogger I had ZERO idea what I was doing and was really just winging it. My advice to someone who wants to blog would be to go on pinterest and research EVERYTHING. There's so many different blogs you can have so you really need to look into what kind of blog you want and what you want out of it. Do you want to make money? Do you want to just have fun? Find what you want and what time you have to give and go from there. I would also suggest finding a niche and this is super popular advice. Whether it's travel blogging, family, fashion, whatever. I hit a little bit of all with my blog since it's family oriented, find your niche and stick with it :)

I really appreciate this award and can't wait to see what the future brings me! Thanks to all of my followers and my awesome support system I have. I really love what I do with this brand and I'm so glad I can help others in their trials and tribulations. Have a wonderful day everyone!

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