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Friday, August 25, 2017

binky or no binky?

I'm almost positive I barely made it through this week! Goodness Gracious Alabama. SO I was recently part of a blogger group that discussed different aspects of parenting and the pros and cons of different things and one of the issues was pacifiers. Now if you know anything about me you know I HATE pacifiers, to the moon and back I hate those things. Now that's my opinion nor do I judge anyone who gives their child a pacifier. To each, his own and that's how the cookie crumbles right? I've touched on this subject subtly before but with this focus group I think it was a great way to touch on the pacifier again, I'd also like any feedback from people who have used pacifiers and also have pros and cons of using them! 


1. The American Academy of Pediatrics has seen a drop in SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in children that have used pacifiers. Although during my research they seemed to be back on forth on this and a little hypocritical. In one sentence they say it reduces SIDS but at the same time, they say that babies don't sleep as soundly when they have a pacifier. You're also encouraged not to use a pacifier while breastfeeding so I feel like there's pro's and cons within this one as well.

2. Pacifier use helps your child with their sucking if they have issues from birth. Some children have an issue when they're born and have to be taught how to suck so they can eat properly. A pacifier is a great way to encourage this behavior and help a child. Babies that are born addicted to drugs tend to have an issue learning how to suck because of the withdrawal and pacifiers help this. The First Years Pacifier helps with this issue and is soft like a nipple so its meant to teach the baby how to suck.

3. Babies that have acid reflux tend to use pacifiers because it encourages saliva production which helps neutralize acid in the stomach. I had zero idea that this was a pro until I did my research so I'll be keeping this in mind for when our little one is born! This binky claims to not affect how their teeth form as long as it's taken by the age of 1.


1. Pacifiers are linked to higher rates of ear infections. Ashley had a MASSIVE amount of ear infections while she was at an infant age. I'm talking 8 in 10 weeks. Constantly. While having the binky she was also constantly exposed to second-hand smoke which is also a risk factor for ear infections. (let me preface with my husband and I don't smoke but you can only control what goes on at YOUR home right?).

2. Pacifiers create massive dental problems. This is such a problem it's not even funny. Again as co parents, you can only control what goes on at your house but Ashley is four and still gets a pacifier at her other home and her teeth are JACKED. Like she'll need severe orthodontal work it's insane. When I was little I was a thumb sucker and by the age of maybe 3 (correct me if I'm wrong mom) my mother was constantly telling me to take my thumb out because it had turned into a habit and could have created massive dental issues. Thank God for my mom because I have gorgeous teeth now! 

3. It can interfere with breastfeeding. It's encouraged not to breastfeed and use a pacifier. Breastfeeding can also reduce the risk of SIDS and help a baby sleep more soundly so there's really no need for a pacifier if you're breastfeeding. But not everyone is able to breastfeed so that's something you have to decide based on the situation. This pacifier is recommended by pediatricians to use if you are breastfeeding and your baby still requires a pacifier. The rounded nipple shape helps with less confusion.

4. Pacifiers become a crutch. They absolutely do, when Ashley's pacifier gets taken (she's almost four) right before she comes to our house she screams like the demons are coming straight from hell, it's incredible. BUT that's a con of getting a child used to a pacifier and then not yanking it at an appropriate age. She's now used to this pacifier and wants it for comfort reasons or habitual reasons. We took it from her before she was a year old, probably around 9 or 10 months old. She's never ever asked for it because she knows we don't have one at our house. We did it early enough so that it wouldn't create this form of chaos. So if your child does get a binky, do yourself a favor and take it before it gets incredibly hard.

These are just a few of the pros and cons I've researched about. Ultimately unless the situation occurs that a pacifier will genuinely help my child with a medical issue, I think i'll leave the binky out of my life. And pacifiers are great for the first year of life if needed but if you don't take it, prep for the reoccuring meltdowns for a week when they get attached. Everyone has their own opinion and way of parenting and that's totally fine! Let me know of your pros and cons of binky use! 


*There are affiliate links in this blog post and I do make a commission off of them. The opinions and products in this blog post are solely mine and I would not promote a product if I didn't back it completely*

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