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Monday, July 3, 2017


So I'm kind of a huge fan of christian music (as if you all didn't know LOL) and there's an artists by the name of Propaganda. My previous pastor was a fan and that's how I found him. He's a rapper but not an annoying one, what he preaches kind of blows your mind. SO his new album just came out and the release song is "Crooked". So I took my quiet ride in this morning to play it on repeat for my forty minute drive and can I just tell you he always satisfies? When you listen to the lyrics it's kind of mind boggling the stuff he throws in there that makes you think "yeah ... that's actually legit". White, Black, Alien it doesn't matter, all of his statements make a point. So I've taken the time for all my fellow fans to break down the song and really kind of bake your noodle this wonderful Monday morning! Also I strongly encourage you to go on Apple Music and download this album. It's incredible. Here we go!

1. "He ain't old enough to go buy beer, but enlist him. Send him to Iraq and wonder why he come back crazy?"

This is pretty legit honestly. My cousin Jacob was enlisted in high school and it's worked out really well for him. But this is pretty easy to understand why this is mind boggling. These boys are out here enlisting in this army but our drinking age is 21? So we can send these men and women to WAR and have them fight for our freedom as if it's nothing but our rules and regulations here are backwards. They're crooked. Our military families need more from us as Americans and I think over the generations we've lost site of that. 

2. "Like one ounce of crack gains the same amount of jail time As eighteen of cocaine, but ain't they the same thing?"

I feel like we can all agree how twisted our court system is. This has actually been a topic of conversation within my circle previously. Have you ever set down and really looked at the consequences for things? What's the difference between one ounce of one drug and 18 of another? Aren't they both illegal? Aren't they both a narcotic? So why are we handing out different sentences? That's crooked. That's a court system looking for money. I've heard of people get busted for distribution and get arrested and are out the same day. What is that? How are we as society supposed to better our people without actual consequences? Because that person is STILL out on the streets, thievin, sellin, getting doped up. So what have we accomplished? Nothing. 

3. And at one time, we built pyramids One can only wonder why we ain't wiped ourselves out yet

How have we not wiped ourselves out yet? I'm not sure about other countries but America has been a HOT mess. Right now New Jersey has SHUT DOWN it's state government because these idiots can't pass a BUDGET. what?! We used to be such a smart nation with all of our innovations and leading ideas. Now we can't even agree on how to budget our own state. How as a human race have we survived for so long? Were nearing the end of our rope here guys and I feel like the big man upstairs is shaking is head at us. Wait for the flood.

4. Clueless buffoons put a man on the moon And I still can't get cellphone reception in my room

Let this one sink in for a minute. We put a MAN on the MOON in SPACE and I can't sit in my living room and get cell service. Men are walking on other planets and flying on space crafts but my security camera at home gets hacked all the time. Where is technology and why does it feel like our government is regulating it? We give dope heads free narcan, but our cancer patients pay hundreds of thousands for treatment? Tell me the government isn't aware of that. Lets talk.

5. If you can't touch it, then you can't trust it

This has been a pretty big conversation in my family as well. Kids are so easily able to trust in God and believe in him because kids are more susceptible. They can feel things that we as adults have stopped believing in. Ashley sees the good in all people, regardless. She knows God loves her, she knows he's there. But as adults we have such a hard time believing in something if we can't physically touch it. I see people battle with this everyday. If God isn't doing something like blessing them every single day, they stop believing. That's crooked. Feel his love, know his love. It's there, you just have to believe it.

6. My inner demons eat through my marriage and my parenting

 This line was very interesting to me. There's a legit difference between dating and marriage. It's not just a piece of paper, it's life. You've chosen this other human to spend the rest of your life with. You deal with inner demons every single day and you have to be a part of a relationship. The other half of someone. Parenting is even worse because all parenting sucks. You get frustrated, you discipline, you plan activities. Nobody is a perfect parent but society these days gives you these demons to swallow and these hoops to jump through. If your kid doesn't have an oil diffuser and organic tooth paste they're a wash out. They put so much pressure on parents today that they're destroying families in the process. Don't let processes from our enemies destroy your marriage and your family. Stop. Breathe. Pray.

7. People are so perplexing Perpetuating the same hate they out protesting

Take a second and read this again. This has been such a big thing in our country the past few years and someone finally said it. They're out protesting this hate, and anger and violence but not like Dr. King. They're protesting in violent manners, setting cities on fire, looting their own neighbors. This isn't a race thing, this is a human thing. Why are we doing this? Why are we hypocrites? Why is someone not standing up and saying something? Our people are out here protesting these violent crimes against humanity while robbing our hard working people. What sense does that make? Sit back and let that sink it, think about what you can do as a fellow human to make this stop. Because it's ridiculous and we all know it.

8.Listen it's freely given, but you've been warned These halos stay balanced on the tip of our horns

Love from God is free. Always remember that. You don't have to pay him, give him your sole or the blood of a lamb. You have to love him and believe that he is for you. These christian lives were trying to live are covered in sin. Were ALL sinners, we all do wrong, christians just admit that daily and ask for forgiveness continously. These horns and sins were trying to cover up that the devil is constantly putting in us are just covered by our halos were trying to portray. Nobody is better than anyone else in their sins. A sin is a sin is a sin. But if you ask God for forgiveness, he gives it to you. Just like that. So when you're walking down the street, stop judging. Because Jake at the Mcdonalds sins just like you, just differently. 

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