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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Life isn't all dandy

I'm not really sure how Sunday got here so fast but DANG. Especially with no upcoming days off from work until September I feel like August is going to just drag on forever. This weekend has been a whirl wind of nonsense I swear and I'm EXHAUSTED. Friday was spent with Brianna and Michael and Saturday I started to get a sore throat. I'm sure it has to do with the random weather changes and the two animals in my house that shed an entirely different animal every single day. So right now my house looks like my three year old with no pants on coloring in the living room and watching TV and me with a hot cup of organic hot green tea trying to focus on finishing this book. And yet here I am ... on my blog LOL! So Saturday I wandered out of my house to take the dog for a walk because she refused to poop for two days and I'd rather her not do it in the house when the needs comes. Needless to say she didn't poop BUT when I made it back into my house my oldest child and my husband were going at it. Of course these two are EXACTLY ALIKE so their arguments make me want to stab my ear drums out with pencils. Regardless this argument started over cookies and snacking. The argument ended and I was left in this war path of my husband being upset about the day just sucking altogether and my daughters feelings were hurt because we as humans have a problem filtering what we say before we say it (guilty). So I send Michael to bed and have a heart to heart with B. She's almost 12 and has her fathers temper and stuborness. so this makes  this talk even more important. Luckily enough she's blessed to have moms at two houses and as uncomfortable as this may be it had to happen. I informed her that her weight is nobody's business but her own. If someone picks on her because of her taste in music, what she wears or how she cuts her hair she needs to tell them to fuck off. She's beautiful just the way she is and the only reason she should ever change is if it's for herself. We had some good laughs, the cat tried to eat my flowers and the dog thinks the couch pillows are her bed regardless of the actual dog bed she possesses. This is probably the cause of my illness, the stress is really insane. I've been going through pinterest a lot (this is where I plug my new pinterest page for my blog ;)). So during social media scoping I've come to realize that people legit will make look like life is absolutely amazing to save face. You know what I want? Honesty. My life isn't all shits and giggles. Life sucks sometimes, bills don't always get paid on time, someone throws up all over the kitchen, the dog is eating the cats poop. It's not fantastic all the time. My husband and I argue and that's okay, it's healthy. Although plotting murder is not healthy LOL we do argue, and we work through things. Today as a matter of fact was not a good day for us, but that's okay. Everybody is entitled to have a bad day, even married couples. We have  A LOT happening and the enemy is hard at our family trying to tear us apart. I just want other step parents to realize that it's difficult and the struggle is real. Being married is hard enough, the divorce rates for second marriages are even higher. They hover around 70 percent, that' high! So you have to work at it, and realize that you don't have to prove how perfect you are. I can tell you right now me and ashley don't have pants on! We have our night gowns on and were totally fine with that. My hair is greasy and I ordered pizza for dinner. I hate spongebob and it's been on repeat on my TV for most of the day.  We didn't have organic green beans for lunch, we had easy mac that cost me $1 at walmart. My life is far from perfect and as much as I try to offer my children the best life they can have, there's only so much that can be provided. When the girls moms ask for things such as school supplies or books for home schooling we do our best to participate and help with that on top of child support. We also provide everything at our home for the kids when they're here. The point is, don't care about who's watching. Take off your makeup, pour your glass of wine and don't feel like your life has to be photoshopped all the time. It's totally fine if you haven't showered all weekend but your kids got to play in their sandbox for hours and your dog didn't eat the squirrel in the yard. Score! I hope you guys enjoy your Sunday and realize that what other people think  DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. Love your kids, love your husband, love your life. God will always provide and protect you, just trust!


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