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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

All because two people fell in love ...

Hey! So I was going through our wedding pictures a little earlier today while I was eating lunch and fell in love all over again :) It'll be two years married October 15th and time flies! Sometimes people say they're "engaged" and don't actually ever get married. Whether it's to impress a court or make your home look more stable than it actually is. When Michael asked me to marry him we were married 8 months later! We wanted October and I didn't want to wait until 2016 so my daddy made it happen :) My wedding rings were paid off and the planning started! So sifting through some of these pictures made me realize not all of my followers were there! So here's a snippit of some of the pictures from the day I went from Miss to Mrs's :) because when we said we were going to get married WE ACTUALLY DID IT!

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