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Monday, August 22, 2016

When do you start demanding respect?

Good morning wonderful parents!!

This week is moving week so if you don't see much from this step mama it's because i'm moving an entire storage unit and family into a new home! yay! So this past weekend we took my wonderful youngest step daughter to LBI here in New Jersey for a beach day. During this exchange in the morning it came to our attention that "organic is bulls*it" and ashley's obviously terrified of her father because she screams everytime she sees him (liar liar). Previously Ashley was taken to the ER on suspicions of "sexual abuse". Back in janurary or march sometime her mother sat in our living room and accused us of sexual abuse. Which is a pretty serious thing to accuse someone of, especially when there's no evidence of such a crime. She claimed ashley wouldn't let her wipe her during diaper changes or in the bath. Which was news to us because I've been giving the girls baths since they were little (minus nan, she can totally shower by herself haha). Ashley has never given myself or my husband a problem during diaper changes or bath time. Nor has she been red, or bloody (sorry) or shown any signs of trauma. We see her every weekend, and were not super excited about her choice in men so trust me we would notice. So moving on from that accusation, she also took Ashley to the ER and told them Ashley cries every time she sees Michael and she thinks there's some abuse happening. The ER told her to take her crazy pants off and get some mental help, she was fine. She she trucked her out to the EMERGENCY ROOM for a bogus claim because she knows she's a crappy parent and we know that too. Ashley doesn't ever cry when she sees mike unless she tries to create this situation to make Ashley cry. Like telling her she can't take her to the lake because she has to see daddy, or giving her toys she doesn't need to take in the car. because being a parent is obviously such a difficult task for her she also has to create a dependent child and false situations. So anyway, we went to the beach and had a BLAST. Ashley completely loved the waves and the ocean and building sandcastles. Pictures attached :) So here's when my brain is today, clearly in this situation regarding this child my husband and myself get no respect from her mom. So when do you stop giving respect when you've never gotten respect? Or is this something you have to suck up as the bigger person and continue to give respect? Let me preface with I've gotten numerous nasty messages from everyone in her mothers family and her mother about me being an evil step mom blah blah BLAH. So is respect something I need to continue to give? Do I kill them with kindness?? Or do I try to do what's best for Ashley and keep my mouth shut and hope she doesn't completely mentally destroy this child? Ashley is now referring to my husband as "daddy hank" which is her mothers boyfriend, sometimes she calls him "daddy mike" and sometimes she calls him daddy. Regardless she's not understanding the importance of the name daddy. So to all my fellow parents out there, When is it time to step up to the plate and demand respect? You guys have a blessed week and stay cool out there!

Here's some links to websites regarding emotional/mental abuse of children. Just a good insight about what not to say to your children!


beach day with the baby!

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