Good morning ladies!
That exclamation mark had no emotion behind it this morning. I'm exhausted. And today im fully aware that I was not trained properly to be an adult. Like not even close. High school did not teach me how to get rid of insane migraines, it didn't teach me about gluten at all. Man I dropped that ball. Gluten allergy, yeah it's for real and it's wreaking havoc on me. Being an adult this morning makes me want to go back to scraped knees and hugs from my mom. Being a WIFE is even harder. Why wasn't there a class for that?! With a follow up on how to be a step mom because I feel like both of these are a huge fail in my life right now. Today's a hard day. Today is a day where all of your feelings and emotions come out at once about every situation you were ever in (welcomed my migraine this morning). My fit bit also laughed at my attempt to sleep. And if one more person gives me an "all natural way" to go to sleep I'll scream. My melatonin thinks it's a game when I take it every night. Nobody told me the ride to being an adult was the best part. Making poor choices, learning from your mistakes. Now I'm a mom and a wife and I'm very ill prepared and almost positive I'm screwing it up. Today is a day I'm fighting with God and my faith because I genuinely feel like I need some serious help from the big man upstairs. It's rough. I know we've all been there. Today is a day I have to remove all of my white hats and take care of myself. And to anyone else who needs to do that, do it. Don't feel ashamed because you're useles to anyone else if you don't take care of yourself first. Your babies need you, your husband needs you, YOU need you. The daily struggles of life are incredible. But you can always pray, and keep praying. It's hard and it sucks when you're drowning and nobody's throwing you a life vest. You'll be okay. I'll be okay. Life will be okay. Y'all have a blessed Wednesday. Hump day!
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