This is kind of a heavy subject this morning but it really gets under my skin. It's recently been told someone I know is claiming abuse and it's not true. Her boyfriend supposedly beats her black and blue, he's abusive, he's a horrible person. But when it comes down to the truth, there's no marks. There's no evidence. There's real live women out there being beaten up every single day. Who are forced to wear makeup and dark sunglasses. Who have to find a shelter to go to to get away from their abusers. Women who need help, and to be saved. Women who lie about abuse for attention from another man, or even the man they're claiming beat them make me sad. It just really bothers me when people claim abuse and there is none. You can ruin people's lives with those accusations. If you're not happy in a relationship, leave. Don't lie. Go volunteer at a women's shelter with actua beaten and abused women. Join a sex trafficking seminar to see how real that situation is here in the home of the free. Don't put your child in an environment you're claiming you're being abused in. End of my rant this morning, y'all will get something way more positive later!! Stay cool out there!
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