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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

This is not easy ...

Hey everyone! This blog post today won't be an easy one but I fully believe now is the right time to dip into my story. Anyone of you who actively stays up to date with what's happening with me and my family would know that we had court yesterday (On my dang birthday!). 

So this past Monday I had a bit of a health scare that forced my husband to take me to the emergency room Monday night. We got out around 2am, I passed out twice, hit my head once, and landed myself a nice bed in the ER for four hours. But at least I wasn't drug seeking like some people we know! This was just the beginning of my chaos...

On Tuesday, February 6th me and my husband had a meeting with our local child protective services office. Why you ask? because on December 17th we got a call that they were removing my stepdaughter from her mothers care. Shocking, right? haha! This is the screenshot of the "Police Blotter" posted on the Florence Township Police Departments Facebook regarding her arrest. 

We knew she was already a heroin abuser, nobody loses that much weight that quickly doing it a healthy way. We did not know she was shooting dope, but we did have a feeling. This police blotter shows that she was arrested with a needle. She's not diabetic by the way. Anway, we have a meeting because DCPP (Formally known as DYFS in NJ, or useless white trash workers) called to set up something called a "Family Team Meeting". Within this meeting, DCPP violated their OWN "Best Practices" They did it at their own office where it should have taken place at our home or a neutral location. They didn't have us fill out any forms that would then be put into their "NJ Spirit" system to keep track of things like this.

We did bring up some of our concerns regarding DCPP and their lack of work ethic and honestly just ethics in general. Not only was I disrespected and lied to during this meeting, we were also made out to be the bad guys. Becuase DCPP did not have us sign the confidentiality agreement, this information is able to be released to you wonderful people to see how broken the system is. Maybe they should have done their job correctly? Moving on, I was interrupted, called disrespectful and made to look like I was the drug addict. Crazy right?

After starting 15 minutes late in this "meeting" they ended it forty minutes later. The point of the meeting? To see if we had family that would take my stepdaughter. She's currently in a resource home, which makes me think maybe the home isn't working out and they're looking for a quick placement. HA! like we're going to help you morons out. SYKE! We left, took a nap and off to court we went.

Not only did this moronic drug addict show up half an hour late to court, she then spent fifteen minutes in the bathroom probably doing something illegal. My husband was sabotaged in court when DCPP changed the judge who had our backs. My husband asked for every week visitation due to my stepdaughter specifically asking him to see her more than every two weeks. After she spent time in our home (no worries, I had my daughter at my mom's house with me, we don't violate court orders like some people) my stepdaughter clearly expressed how she loved the pictures of her, she loved her bedroom and missed all of her toys, she missed her bed. Fun fact? She wasn't traumatized by any of the pictures of me!

At this family team meeting with DCPP, our social worker's supervisor specifically stated that the social worker needed to stay with us after court to review the court order with my husband to make sure it was correct. This came because the last court order was violated and manipulated by this social worker. Apparently, contempt of court is above this workers IQ (which honestly can't be that high to begin with) When court ended, she went over to speak with the junkie and then tried to leave! So as I called her name from across the lobby she returned. I asked her if she was staying to go over the court order and her asinine response was "I don't have to, I checked it over with the attorney general and it's fine". After my mom reminded her that her supervisor advised her to stay with my husband she kept repeating "I don't have to!". What are you, four? My four-year-old has a better attitude than her. So apparently my emotions were all over my face and this worker looked at me with her white trash disgusting attitude and said "If you get an attitude with me I'm leaving" well guess what girlfriend? That was the end game for me.

She quickly whipped her head around like she was in some sort of high school altercation, and I'm pretty sure she was going to take her nails off. I shit you not. Anyway, after this altercation, we went home. The courts and DCPP have made it very clear that they have no issue being in contempt of court, manipulating court orders and putting children directly in the line of fire.

The courts kept my husband's visits at every other week but gave the junkie twice a week! Two times a week to continue abusing this child and manipulating her. She's been more concerned with being at the bars at night and texting her friends to buy and sell drugs.

The courts didn't even acknowledge this! At this point, this information needs to be put out. Call the courts, call your attorney, I don't care. This is a mother who chose to take pills and do heroin during her entire pregnancy with this child. I won't even take NSAIDS! It's completely mind-blowing that the Burlington County Superior Court and DCPP of NJ will not protect this child. Isn't that your job? And to completely lie in court and to the parent's faces? That's a level of disrespect I wasn't aware a state agency can go. We have two other children who lead completely normal lives. Our four year old will remember playing Barbies with her dad on her bedroom floor and that Kristen was always on her team.

This child was eating peanut butter sandwiches once a day, not going to school for weeks on end, had a silver tooth because her tooth rotted out of her mouth. But this is a healthy environment for this child? She was constantly filthy. After court her mother DROVE AWAY in a truck that barely worked and to top it off, she has a suspended license! (This comes from DMV records that can be attained online) But the courts find her suitable to have more contact with this child than her father? I'm disgusted by the state of NJ and what they've chosen to allow from their DCPP offices, social workers, supervisors and even the commissioner. This child was attacked by a dog and had to get three stitches.  We've contacted numerous people who practice this religion and they've all said this isn't true.  Oh, how the lies keep coming ...

 All I know is if someone is asking for documentation, I'm down to bring it. Mainly because not everything out of my mouth is a pure lie. Her entire family is a bunch of felons and liars. As a matter of fact here's a screenshot from her Uncle being arrested also!

On top of this her other Uncle is a pedophile on trial for raping a thirteen-year-old in 2016, he already had charges brought against him for raping a three-year-old in the 90's. Her brothers chillin' out in jail for getting arrested a few months ago. He'd only been out of jail a short amount of time before he went back to the slammer. Mommy dearest is super proud of her kids though! Don't cross that one, she'll protect those junkies until the day she dies! The great grandmama was arrested on assault and drug charges, the grandma was arrested on drug charges. Fun fact, she was arrested WITH the mom when mom was pregnant with my stepdaughter for transporting heroin! We have the background check on file. 

At the end of the day, this is a very real situation with a very real child. The
state won't follow the laws, the courts just want it off the docket. I've left numerous voicemails and emails for Allison Blake who is the Commissioner of DCPP. All of those voicemails and emails have gone unanswered, I've asked every time for an interview to see how the commissioner felt about her workers violating and manipulating court orders. Shows how much she cares about the child huh? Every supervisor at DCPP and our social worker has been a complete joke covering everything up. My stepdaughter described how her mom made her sell her kitchen set AND her vanity set she got for Christmas. Then went into detail about how her mom picked something out of someone else's trash!

Yep, seems like a completely legit place to be. On top of the fact that the home they removed her from was sold at sheriffs sale in December of 2017, the bank put new locks on the house and they broke in again! Then the other house that DCPP visited looking for my stepdaughter was sold at sheriffs sale in March of 2016, and those idiots are still living there! So you have a bunch of people squatting in the foreclosed home doing drugs, with kids! Right, lets put her back in that chaos. All of this information was given to DCPP, which was apparently filed in the "I don't care" file. typical. This is a child, and this is what the state is doing to our children.

Maybe this will open the eyes of some people who can bring light to this situation. Because as of right now, the state is signing this kids death certificate. Services for the junkie? She's been "doing services" for almost seven years. It hasn't gotten any better, now she's taking her kids stuff and selling it online! When I say things like "how horrible can you get? That's not a challenge! I hope you all reading this realize how destroyed our system is, share this blog as many times as you can. Maybe we can bring some attention to this matter before this kid is royally screwed for her entire life.